how do you catch a relicanth on pokemon ruby version

How do i get relicanth? - Pokemon Ruby Version Answers for Game.
They are weird looking legendaries which take a lot of effort to catch. To try to catch them, you must first get two Pokemon by the names of Relicanth and Wailord.
How to Catch Relicanth and Wailord in "Pokemon Ruby" | eHow.
How do you get the regis on pokemon ruby? - Yahoo! Answers.
Where can you get a relicanth on Pokemon Ruby - Wiki Answers.
Where is Wailord and Relicanth in Pokemon Ruby? Do you have to.
Pokemon Ruby Version - 3rd Generation Legends FAQ -
They are weird looking legendaries which take a lot of effort to catch. To try to catch them, you must first get two Pokemon by the names of Relicanth and Wailord.
well i have emerald but they're still the same find wailord near evergland city it is in the water somewhere in route 129 130. relicanth is in sootopolis.
Capturing Relicanth Pokemon Nintendo Gameboy Advance Video.
How to Get Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald: 7 Steps (with Pictures).
how do you catch a relicanth on pokemon ruby version
how do you catch a relicanth on pokemon ruby version
How can i get a relicanth in pokemon ruby? - The Pokemon Database.They are weird looking legendaries which take a lot of effort to catch. To try to catch them, you must first get two Pokemon by the names of Relicanth and Wailord.
well i have emerald but they're still the same find wailord near evergland city it is in the water somewhere in route 129 130. relicanth is in sootopolis.
dive into the depths of the ocean and look in the grass there. It's pretty hard to find so it may be a while til you find it. Rated: +1 / -0.

Relicanth is a stocky fish-like Pokémon that resembles a coelacanth. It is mostly brown in coloration with patches of tan on its body and a tan, skull-like head.
For Pokemon Sapphire Version on the Game Boy Advance, a GameFAQs Answers question titled. The race to catch 'em all is on again in Pokémon Ruby.